Covid 19 Safe Practices
I am fully vaccinated against Coronavirus. I am also completing lateral flow tests on a twice weekly basis. On top of this I am also following a number of practices to keep us all safe from any risk relating to Covid-19 during our business together and will appreciate your family doing the same. Here are the rules I am following to keep us all safer:
Home based Sessions:
I will complete a lateral flow test within the 48 hours before your session. Should it be positive I will notify you immediately and discuss arrangements for an alternative session date.
If any member of your household or support bubble has symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours preceding your session you must notify me immediately so we can make arrangements for an alternative session date.
I will ask for access to a sink in order to wash my hands on arrival in your home. Following this I will use alcohol hand gel on a regular basis during the session (particularly newborn / baby sessions where I may be moving and posing your baby).
I will wear a face mask throughout the session and ask that any adults remaining in the room during the session also wear a mask (unless they are actively having their photo taken).
All outfits, wraps blankets etc provided by me for use during the session will be washed prior to the session.
All my equipment will be wiped down with alcohol wipes between sessions.
I respectfully ask that no member of the family touches any of my equipment during my time in your home unless I have asked you to and you have used alcohol hand gel first.
Only immediate family members who are directly involved in the session may be present in the room in which the session is taking place
Unless actively having their photo taken, only one adult may remain in the room in which the session is taking place to supervise the baby / child.
Should I experience symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours after your session I will contact you to let you know and advise that you limit your social contacts until I have PCR test results. Should I test positive, I will share your contact details with the Test and Trace service.
Should any family member present at the session experience symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours after your session please contact me immediately so I can restrict my social contacts. Should anyone receive a positive test result (PCR or lateral flow) please let me know immediately and share my contact details with the Test and Trace Service.
Outdoor Sessions:
I will complete a lateral flow test within the 48 hours before your session. Should it be positive I will notify you immediately and discuss arrangements for an alternative session date.
If any member of your household or support bubble has symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours preceding your session you must notify me immediately so we can make arrangements for an alternative session date.
Wherever possible I will maintain a distance of 2 meters from any member of your family throughout the session. Where I need to come closer I will put on a face mask.
Alcohol hand gel will be used by all parties before, during and after the session.
All outfits, blankets etc provided by me for use during the session will be washed prior to the session.
All my equipment will be wiped down with alcohol wipes between sessions.
I respectfully ask that no member of the family touches any of my equipment during the session unless I have asked you to and you have used alcohol hand gel first.
Only immediate family members who are directly involved in the session may be present in the immediate vicinity of the session (no spectators).
Should I experience symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours after your session I will contact you to let you know and advise that you limit your social contacts until I have PCR test results. Should I test positive, I will share your contact details with the Test and Trace service.
Should any family member present at the session experience symptoms of Covid-19 in the 48 hours after your session please contact me immediately so I can restrict my social contacts. Should anyone receive a positive test result (PCR or lateral flow) please let me know immediately and share my contact details with the Test and Trace Service.